Source code for content_filter.filter


The main file that is the hub of all operations

import json
from pathlib import Path

from content_filter.check import Check
from content_filter.string import return_translated

[docs]class Filter: """The filter object which contains the filter settings, data, and functions. Args: list_file (str, optional): The path to a file that will be used as the filter list in place of the default filter word_list (str, optional): A list of words to be used as the filter in place of the default filter Raises: TypeError: Something other than a :class:`list` was not passed in for word_list. FileNotFoundError: The input file for list_file does not exist. ValueError: The custom file input is not a JSON file. """ def __init__(self, list_file=None, word_list=None): self.exception_list = [] # type: list self.additional_list = [] # type: list self.custom_list = ( [word.replace(" ", "") for word in word_list] if isinstance(word_list, list) else [] ) self._use_default_list = True self._use_custom_file = False self.custom_json_file = None self._translation_table = None self._filter_file = Path.joinpath( Path(__file__).resolve().parent, "data/filter.json" ) # ==== LOAD TRANSLATIONS ==== translations_file = Path.joinpath( Path(__file__).resolve().parent, "data/replacements.json" ) with open(str(translations_file)) as f: loaded_translations = json.load(f) self._translation_table = { "single": str.maketrans(loaded_translations["single_char"]), "multi": loaded_translations["multi_char"], } # ==== CUSTOM FILE CHECK ==== if list_file: if not Path(list_file).is_absolute(): rel_list_file = Path.joinpath(Path.cwd(), list_file) self.custom_json_file = Path(rel_list_file if rel_list_file else list_file) if self.custom_json_file.suffix != ".json": raise ValueError( "list_file expected .json file but got " + self.custom_json_file.suffix ) with open(str(self.custom_json_file)) as f: self._use_custom_file = json.load(f) self._use_default_list = False # ==== CUSTOM LIST CHECK ==== if word_list and not isinstance(word_list, list): raise TypeError( "word_list expects list but got " + str(type(word_list).__name__) ) # ==== CHECKING LISTS ==== self._lists_to_lower() self._lists_translate() def _lists_to_lower(self) -> None: if self.custom_list: self.custom_list = [i.lower() for i in self.custom_list] self.exception_list = [i.lower() for i in self.exception_list] self.additional_list = [i.lower() for i in self.additional_list] def _lists_translate(self) -> None: if self.custom_list: self.custom_list = [ return_translated(self._translation_table, i) for i in self.custom_list ] self.exception_list = [ return_translated(self._translation_table, i) for i in self.exception_list ] self.additional_list = [ return_translated(self._translation_table, i) for i in self.additional_list ] def _check_type(self, obj: list) -> bool: return bool(obj) and all(isinstance(elem, str) for elem in obj)
[docs] def add_exceptions(self, words: list) -> None: """Allows the user to remove words to the list of pre-defined words to filter for. Args: words (list): A list of strings that will be removed from the default filter checking. Raises: TypeError: Words input are not a list of strings. """ if not self._check_type(words) or not isinstance(words, list): raise TypeError("Words input are not a list of strings") self.exception_list.extend(words) self._lists_to_lower() self._lists_translate()
[docs] def add_words(self, words: list) -> None: """Allows the user to add words to the list of pre-defined words to filter for. Args: words (list): A list of strings that will be added to the default filter checking. Raises: TypeError: Words input are not a list of strings. """ if not self._check_type(words) or not isinstance(words, list): raise TypeError("Words input are not a list of strings") self.additional_list.extend(words) self._lists_to_lower() self._lists_translate()
[docs] def reload_file(self) -> None: """Updates the filter list when using a custom JSON file. If any changes have been made to the file, they will be applied. Raises: RuntimeError: Not using a custom JSON file. """ if not self._use_custom_file: raise RuntimeError("A custom JSON file to use was never provided") with open(str(self.custom_json_file)) as f: self._use_custom_file = json.load(f)
[docs] def check(self, message: str) -> Check: """Checks the provided message for any words that should be filtered. Args: message (str): The message to be filtered. This should be a string. Raises: TypeError: Message is not a string Returns: .Check: A check object which contains the results of the filter. """ if type(message) is not str: raise TypeError("Message provided is not a string") return Check( message, self.exception_list, self.additional_list, self.custom_list, self._use_default_list, self._use_custom_file, self._translation_table, self._filter_file, )
@property def list_file(self) -> Path: """Gives you the path to the list file if using a custom filter file. Raises: RuntimeError: Not using a custom JSON file. Returns: :class:`pathlib.Path`: A path object to the custom json file. """ if not self._use_custom_file: raise RuntimeError("A custom JSON file to use was never provided") return self.custom_json_file def __repr__(self): return "<Filter: custom_list={custom_list}, list_file={lf_apostrophe}{list_file}{lf_apostrophe}>".format( custom_list=self.custom_list, list_file=self.custom_json_file, lf_apostrophe="'" if self.custom_json_file else "", )